!Hall of Fame!

This is the music Hall of Fame, only for those who are invited, who are the best of the best in the music industry. Get noticed by members of the group, and you too can be inducted. Have fun! You can also recommend people to this group if you want, and if you want to join the group, just let Lifeslayer know!
Leaded by: Lifeslayer
If you want a track recommended, post it in the tracks and you may be on the featured list in the Hall of Fame!
This is the music Hall of Fame, only for those who are invited, who are the best of the best in the music industry. Get noticed by members of the group, and you too can be inducted. Have fun! You can also recommend people to this group if you want, and if you want to join the group, just let Lifeslayer know!
Leaded by: Lifeslayer
If you want a track recommended, post it in the tracks and you may be on the featured list in the Hall of Fame!

U-Neon10 years ago
My remix of Avicii's track "Levels". My best track so far, unfortunately I can't publish it anywhere else because of that copyright s**t :( http://soundation.com/user/anthrazite/track/avicii-levels-anthrazite-remix
Sean Foxx11 years ago
Brand new Progressive House track for her! Free downloads if we hit Top 3 on trending. http://soundation.com/user/seanfoxx/track/progressive-house-angel
Foresight11 years ago
Thanks for another feature ;D
Lifeslayer11 years ago
The link is http://soundation.com/group/electro-contest
Lifeslayer11 years ago
Hey guys! Update! There is a new contest I just created so go and check it out!
Foresight11 years ago
http://soundation.com/user/elizalde/track/logic Come check out my latest dubstep track, Logic!
Foresight11 years ago
I think Sean Foxx deserves to be in http://soundation.com/user/seanfoxx
Lifeslayer11 years ago
I am his 100th follower
Lifeslayer11 years ago
Al right!:)
BaconBurger11 years ago
I think you should invite Tom Bellinger to this group! He's real good!http://soundation.com/user/TomBellinger