Forthcoming Remix Competition

Forthcoming Remix Competition
I am having a remix competition on my song "Forthcoming" that I did with Diansiji. Whoever wins will be followed by me. Whoever wins will get free track mastering for a week. Whoever wins will get featured in my album. Whoever wins will get a collab with me. Check out Diansiji here: Here is the link to the .sng file to remix:!Ah1VNb8KUMYei2jgphTlls554t5Z When there are 15 tracks posted, winners will be decided.
AMT avatar[this project has concluded] avatarIcestorm avatarNitrate Embers  avatarTc-5 Official avatarDJ San Villa avatarmaster king  avatar
I am having a remix competition on my song "Forthcoming" that I did with Diansiji. Whoever wins will be followed by me. Whoever wins will get free track mastering for a week. Whoever wins will get featured in my album. Whoever wins will get a collab with me. Check out Diansiji here: Here is the link to the .sng file to remix:!Ah1VNb8KUMYei2jgphTlls554t5Z When there are 15 tracks posted, winners will be decided.
Forthcoming Remix Competition


I2OLATE  Avatar
I2OLATE 8 years ago
I might do this. But I don't understand. Why are there random pple posting random tracks here that aren't a remix?
master king  Avatar
master king 8 years ago
DJ San Villa Avatar
DJ San Villa8 years ago
DJ San Villa Avatar
DJ San Villa8 years ago
AMT Avatar
AMT9 years ago
o kay
i am dead Avatar
i am dead9 years ago
Too many channels for me to cope with, I'll pass.
AMT Avatar
AMT9 years ago
U have to remix my song. I can make another group where you can just post
Icestorm Avatar
Icestorm9 years ago
Do you have to remix ur song? Or do you just post anything you like or remixes of other songs?
AMT Avatar
AMT9 years ago