Featuring Challenge

Every week a challenge is given out for people who would like to participate. There will be tracks that you have to listen to and use the same sounds in the track you make.
For this week's challenge, you must use the 3 following located in
1. (Free Sounds) - (130) - (130 SynthDidgy C.wav)
2. (Xtra Diverse) - (140_Bassline_F_05.wav)
3. (Soundscape Niedersachsen) - (Tierwelt-wildlife) - (FX-Papageien-im-Wisentgehege.wav)
Good luck! Winners are chosen by the end of next week.
Every week a challenge is given out for people who would like to participate. There will be tracks that you have to listen to and use the same sounds in the track you make.
For this week's challenge, you must use the 3 following located in
1. (Free Sounds) - (130) - (130 SynthDidgy C.wav)
2. (Xtra Diverse) - (140_Bassline_F_05.wav)
3. (Soundscape Niedersachsen) - (Tierwelt-wildlife) - (FX-Papageien-im-Wisentgehege.wav)
Good luck! Winners are chosen by the end of next week.

jdyk12347 years ago
ƁHƦ8 years ago
Nevermind I can't do that I only use MIDI sequences for my songs.
Eden Pigeon ♪8 years ago