
Enjoy... We do featured by which songs have the most votes. The top 3 songs with the most votes will get featured. We encourage questions and if you need help we will be glad to help. Have any questions about the group or suggestions? Just ask the admin and he might change it. Got a song you want people to hear? Great! We will love to hear it! If you want a friend to join this group just leave a comment in the comment section and we will be happy to invite them. The more people the more votes... No swearing please and do not criticize other users' songs. Now good luck and have fun:)
Enjoy... We do featured by which songs have the most votes. The top 3 songs with the most votes will get featured. We encourage questions and if you need help we will be glad to help. Have any questions about the group or suggestions? Just ask the admin and he might change it. Got a song you want people to hear? Great! We will love to hear it! If you want a friend to join this group just leave a comment in the comment section and we will be happy to invite them. The more people the more votes... No swearing please and do not criticize other users' songs. Now good luck and have fun:)

99RED7 years ago
Brand new beat! Vote on this beat in the group. https://soundcloud.com/lumberjaxxrap/rain
Red $kull8 years ago
We've had the same 3 tracks up there since we began... START VOTING
Red $kull8 years ago
I need you all to start voting all tracks
Red $kull8 years ago
Hey guys
99RED8 years ago
People! So, I primarily produce rap beats, but I am dabbling in Future Bass. Check it out! :) 100% Soundation made! https://soundcloud.com/lumberjaxxbeats/moving-on
L.A8 years ago
Hi dudes!
☁️-=SC=-SoundCloud-=SC=-☁️8 years ago
Can I have a crash course?
Ginny8 years ago
L.A8 years ago
White Dragon8 years ago