Famous Club

Famous Club
this is where you can share your music and if you want do anything you like join this group and I promise you will get noticed I can you a contract if I like but joining is the first step
cakey12345 avatarpaulinaomel avatarcakeyfgd avatarCorpse avatar
this is where you can share your music and if you want do anything you like join this group and I promise you will get noticed I can you a contract if I like but joining is the first step
Famous Club


cakey12345 Avatar
cakey1234512 years ago
But I can give him a call to see if you can work with the people who help give beats out
cakey12345 Avatar
cakey1234512 years ago
How would you like a contract with lil Wayne
cakey12345 Avatar
cakey1234512 years ago
Awesome I loved it