just looking for the signal

just looking for the signal
i started this group a very long time ago and i want to try and make this group succed unlike last time.
nO-siGnAL avatarDJT3CHN0 avatarCERBERUS avatarcojjlk avatarMa-Lacky avatarDJDavidKrookz avatarJulesssbeats avatarRockBeaterJG avatarNobody avatarTAG avatarmicaman avatarPhantomMusic avatarAvyva avatar
i started this group a very long time ago and i want to try and make this group succed unlike last time.
just looking for the signal


nO-siGnAL Avatar
nO-siGnAL9 years ago
hey guys i just wanna say (thats if anyone is still here) sorry i haven't been on in a fairly long time, and i hope thaat we can work to help each other grow!
Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
@everyone if im going out im going out with a bang http://soundation.com/user/Fugie/track/fugies-finale
Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
how u no me mister
nO-siGnAL Avatar
nO-siGnAL12 years ago
CERBERUS12 years ago
I know everyone in this group Lmao What up People ?!?!?! >:D