Dubstep Demolishers'!

Dubstep Demolishers'!
This is the group Dubstep Demolishers' where members can post their epic dubstep tracks and beats to share! Bring out your inner dubstep and let it be free with some epic compositions! :D Lucky enough? Then you can get your awesome track featured on this group! ;)
Official IcY Beats- IceColdTiger1 avatarKidd Acosta avatarBeastruction avatarDJ72 avatarManny avatarwally-217 avatarkobra dsc avatarLoudSystem avatarComPlex avatarOozzie avatarDJ CubaTracho avatarProgrammah avatarMa-Lacky avatar timmysplit avatardubstepaddict avatardead. avatarpaulinaomel avatarAvyva avatarNJH avatar
This is the group Dubstep Demolishers' where members can post their epic dubstep tracks and beats to share! Bring out your inner dubstep and let it be free with some epic compositions! :D Lucky enough? Then you can get your awesome track featured on this group! ;)
Dubstep Demolishers'!


paulinaomel Avatar
paulinaomel12 years ago
Hi, look at my track.
dubstepaddict Avatar
dubstepaddict12 years ago
I'm now administrating an independent music promotion channel on YouTube. here's the link to the channel- you can submit your tracks to the email given there if you want your stuff promoted. http://www.youtube.com/user/EliteEDM
dubstepaddict Avatar
dubstepaddict12 years ago
Hey everyone! Here's my newest track "F*** You" Hope you enjoy it! Please Like & Comment :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htK8AAAVN-Q&feature=youtu.be
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
hey guys check out my apologize remixxx its EPIC it has HEAVY BASS http://soundation.com/user/timmysplit
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
ok guys i am dropping my SKRILLEX REMIXXX it is a bit long but it is worth the listen it sounds like it will be very repetative but it dose change up enjoy.....http://soundation.com/user/timmysplit/track/skrillex-scary-monsters-remixxx
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
hey guys check out my two new tracks called excuse me sir can u SLOW it down,and THE CHANGE UP.....................THANKS
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
Hey guys i just posted a new track please check it out it came out alright let me know what you think OH AND I RECOMEND GOOD SPEAKERS OR HEADPHONES CAUSE IT HITS HARD........THIS IS HOW U DUBSTEP-timmysplit