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Checkmarks Group Profile Picture
Created January 31, 2017


Hello! I’m єffєctívє and pretty much you already know so.. uh.. nevermind.

You already know about the ✔️ right? If not, where’ve you been, lel. It was starte- who started this idiotic thing? Anyways, a lot of people did it, including me, like Dead Dave at one point spammed these ‘heavy checkmarks’ in his name. But then removed it a few minutes after. Anyway, now you know what this is.

Do I Need a Tick to Post Tracks?
Yes, lol. If you don’t have one then you can’t be in the Tick group or whatever. If you have one and you haven’t been invited, then that’s the reason I made it anyone can comment! Yaaayy!

Say Some Stuff That Sounds Cool
Sure. The pearlescen- wait are people gunna call me a nerd after this? Oh, well. The pearlescent water cascaded down into the deep, extraordinarily colossal lough which flowed all the way into the ocean, located about a mile away.

What’s With The Random Things?
I don’t know, I wanna make this group seem like an official, amazing, professional group with a giant description because that’s how SNG Wars is popular right? Or is it just because Phoenix is amazing and never sees my tracks without me having to PM him to look and give me advice because I don’t know tbh.

Is This The Last Paragraph of Idiocy?
Yeah, fortunately for you and fortunately for me too because I don’t have to write any more crap that no-one will read because I’m lonely and all that so yeah. Whilst I’m writing this, I don’t even know how to do bold writing so I’m guessing to see what works and what doesn’t. Anyways, you can go now. I’m done.

Members and Stuff:
- Me
- TheMedicineMan
- Roix
- The Park Life
- Kagar


right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

@Spaestaxx how dare he

right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

@The Park Life ✔️️ lol it pretty much is

right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

lol did you start the checkmarks?

right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

lol panther

right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

Mkay u guys can post stuff now yaaayy

Dead Dave Avatar
Dead Dave
over 7 years ago


right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

@Roix yeah lol. @The Park Life yes/no cause anyone can comment

[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]
over 7 years ago

This is so racist to non-checkmarks

right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

Hahaha, I posted my own track, that's totally not gay, you should continue your daily lives.
