Buzz Remix Challenge [Winners!]
🥇 Keylime Candid!
Zastoliam: All of your remixes were great! You put so much work into this challengeCynoco: It's never to late to finish!! We would have loved to hear the results!Elysium: You and Zasto where like twins, working so well together, I think your gonna go places
Are we even surprised?
🥈 CHRI5 We had a hard time not giving this first, outstanding sound design
🥉 VICIOUS V53 <33
🥇 Keylime Candid!
Zastoliam: All of your remixes were great! You put so much work into this challengeCynoco: It's never to late to finish!! We would have loved to hear the results!Elysium: You and Zasto where like twins, working so well together, I think your gonna go places
Are we even surprised?
🥈 CHRI5 We had a hard time not giving this first, outstanding sound design
🥉 VICIOUS V53 <33
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ithroundstr6 months ago
free pass2 years ago
Check out my music
Xastoliam3 years ago
@Aquarius prolly aikue, Chri5, Elysium, Zastoliam (ME)
jacob-max-winkler3 years ago
I loved listening to this
Xastoliam3 years ago
Shadow beats don't forget meeeeee
yaukn3 years ago
Or trillian
yaukn3 years ago
painkiller3 years ago
... i have a question... who is the best producer here?????..........................................................
yaukn3 years ago
yes<3 you have kai’s thanks
KaI3 years ago
Congrats to all the winners!