Black Cat Video Game

Black Cat Video Game
Welcome to the Black Cat development group, a group for developing Black Cat, an RPG game! The main character is a black cat named Arthur, an apprentice wizard on a journey to avenge his dead owner. Anybody willing to help out can join, but you have to at least post one song. We will also release updates about the game. No swearing allowed, and all ideas are good ideas! Now let's get to work, and always have fun! :-) NOTE: This game is not dead! I've just been inactive here for a while.
Treyz Beats avatarelemental. avatarToxicStar_10094 avatarGinny avatarAngeltheAbada avatarWhite Dragon avatarRed $kull avatar20watermelons avatarDarkSoul avatarLapisMusic avatarOmegaphones avatarKristiBoyd avatarThe Lost Orbit avatarNotTiko avatarColin4 avatar
Welcome to the Black Cat development group, a group for developing Black Cat, an RPG game! The main character is a black cat named Arthur, an apprentice wizard on a journey to avenge his dead owner. Anybody willing to help out can join, but you have to at least post one song. We will also release updates about the game. No swearing allowed, and all ideas are good ideas! Now let's get to work, and always have fun! :-) NOTE: This game is not dead! I've just been inactive here for a while.
Black Cat Video Game


elemental. Avatar
elemental.7 years ago
whoa, havent been on in a loooooong time. Been snowed under w/ homework, and ive barely had any time to come here. Ill try 2 keep coming and keep y'all up to date tho!
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
Coding is going great!
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
If anyone wants to start working on a certain world, just ask! You can do anything you want with it, as long as you A) tell me and B) keep it along the storyline!
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
Should I start posting sprite links here?
Ginny Avatar
Ginny8 years ago
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
Wev'e started work on a new sub-world, the Digital Lab. I'm working on a special track for it right now, but anyone can post a track for it if they want. :)
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
I'm working on a group chat just for this game!
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
Crystal Labyrinth would be perfect for the ruins! :D
Treyz Beats Avatar
Treyz Beats8 years ago
Err desert theme eh? Try my Crystal Labyrinth theme unless it could fit somewhere else...
elemental. Avatar
elemental.8 years ago
I acually think TheLapisKnight has a good desert track here: