Beats by The Haha's

Hello fellow beat makers.
I'm DJ Haha Fun. I'm trying to put to a group of talented beat makers who can put together music which I can make music videos for on my YouTube account and i will bring notice to our group our music and if you so choose you as a person.
check out my YouTube channel if you'd like please
Like,Comment, Or Subscribe.
Also if I get enough members I'll create a Twitter for our group.
So if you like what i'm putting out for you please send me invite with the type of music you make and what you want me to do with your tracks
Hello fellow beat makers.
I'm DJ Haha Fun. I'm trying to put to a group of talented beat makers who can put together music which I can make music videos for on my YouTube account and i will bring notice to our group our music and if you so choose you as a person.
check out my YouTube channel if you'd like please
Like,Comment, Or Subscribe.
Also if I get enough members I'll create a Twitter for our group.
So if you like what i'm putting out for you please send me invite with the type of music you make and what you want me to do with your tracks

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Paradox11 years ago
My track for the summer dance contest is out!Please vote here: and listen here:
Paradox11 years ago
Im back!check out my track on audiotool(link in description)
Paradox11 years ago
Send me a PM if you want to join this group: