Bass Fl3x

Bass Fl3x
Nothing much to say, we make music and we make damn good music. Join if you feel like you could have potential.
RaidedSkys avatarWild Surge d-_-b avatarMiles Findlay avatarJeepDude avatarAvyva avatar
Nothing much to say, we make music and we make damn good music. Join if you feel like you could have potential.
Bass Fl3x


RaidedSkys Avatar
RaidedSkys12 years ago
Hey guys its been 4 months since ive been on here, ive been really busy and as it seems everyone as, weve faded out. im getting back online and i want to contenue my dream as a music producer, if you read this i hope you guys can understand. lets get busy.
RaidedSkys Avatar
RaidedSkys12 years ago
Hope you had a good Christmas! I don't know if you were aware but on Thursday, our group was ranked, now were back down towards the bottom. Im gonna work really hard this next week and I hope you guys do too so we can get ranked again and this time, stay up!
Miles Findlay Avatar
Miles Findlay12 years ago
Hey guys check out Yuri Cheban!
RaidedSkys Avatar
RaidedSkys12 years ago
Cmon guys more activity
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
Hey guys i just posted a new track please check it out it came out alright let me know what you think OH AND I RECOMEND GOOD SPEAKERS OR HEADPHONES CAUSE IT HITS HARD........THIS IS HOW U DUBSTEP-timmysplit
RaidedSkys Avatar
RaidedSkys12 years ago
So do you like upload the song and just mix it or do you just spend so much time to match the actual song?
RaidedSkys Avatar
RaidedSkys12 years ago
Yea, for the next 2 weeks after this week, i have Christmas break so whenever works. My email is if you want to send me ideas or whatever. is it possible to work together on this other than re downloading each song?
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
im down to work on something together
RaidedSkys Avatar
RaidedSkys12 years ago
Yea man, that d be great. i couldn't believe you can make this music being a free account.
 timmysplit Avatar
timmysplit12 years ago
all my songs will be on youtube tomorrow under timmysplit