At Last Remix Competition

At Last Remix Competition
Ayyyyyyyyyy, it's me! Anyway, I am very much pumped for this! At Last is my very best track without any doubt, so I thought that I'd make a remix Comp for it, considering I've already have a couple people ask to remix it. Just to clear things up, THE REMIXES ARE NOT DUE 11/04/16! That's just if you want me to play it live on the 5th. The remixes are not due until 5/17/17. RULES - You can post as many versions as you want, but you can only have one posted track at a time. - WIP's and previews are okay, just delete them when you post your final version. - NO SPAMMING! You will be disqualified should you spam. :/ - Must be original. You will not be disqualified for unoriginality, but you probably won't place. - Track title must be in this format: '[Sub-Genre] At Last (Artist Name Remix)' - Track should be between 1:59 and 6:59 SCORING There are 100 points total. Each feature contributes a certain amount of points. --/15: Melody --/15: Chords --/10: Originality/Similarity --/10: Sound Design --/10: Arrangement --/10: Mixing and Mastering --/10: Frequency Ranges (Whether it has bass, perc, etc.) --/10: Drum/Perc Sound Design --/10: Overall Vibe of the Song PRIZES -- Third Prize -Collab with me -Featured on Electro Central and Dimension EDM -The Opportunity to remix any of my songs -Bragging Rights --Second Prize -Collab with me -Featured on Electro Central, Dimension EDM, and my SoundCloud -Featured in the At Last EP -Bragging Rights -The Opportunity to remix any of my songs --First Prize -Collab with me -Featured on Electro Central, Dimension EDM and my SoundCloud -Free downloads for all my songs for a year -Featured in the At Last EP -Bragging Rights -The Opportunity to remix any of my songs - A spot in a live performance Good Luck! :) Sng:!Ah1VNb8KUMYejGQbwA59r4pp_TDT
AMT avatarHAIZ avatargarbage avatarblind euphoria. avatarDUTCH avatarNitrate Embers  avatar[this project has concluded] avatar GW21  avatarDiansiji avatarCloudreamer (LEGGO FOR 75) avatarblhbmx avatarindentured-rabbit avatartheoftus avatarprunion avataridk  avatarrkingsbury20146449 avatar𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 avatar
Ayyyyyyyyyy, it's me! Anyway, I am very much pumped for this! At Last is my very best track without any doubt, so I thought that I'd make a remix Comp for it, considering I've already have a couple people ask to remix it. Just to clear things up, THE REMIXES ARE NOT DUE 11/04/16! That's just if you want me to play it live on the 5th. The remixes are not due until 5/17/17. RULES - You can post as many versions as you want, but you can only have one posted track at a time. - WIP's and previews are okay, just delete them when you post your final version. - NO SPAMMING! You will be disqualified should you spam. :/ - Must be original. You will not be disqualified for unoriginality, but you probably won't place. - Track title must be in this format: '[Sub-Genre] At Last (Artist Name Remix)' - Track should be between 1:59 and 6:59 SCORING There are 100 points total. Each feature contributes a certain amount of points. --/15: Melody --/15: Chords --/10: Originality/Similarity --/10: Sound Design --/10: Arrangement --/10: Mixing and Mastering --/10: Frequency Ranges (Whether it has bass, perc, etc.) --/10: Drum/Perc Sound Design --/10: Overall Vibe of the Song PRIZES -- Third Prize -Collab with me -Featured on Electro Central and Dimension EDM -The Opportunity to remix any of my songs -Bragging Rights --Second Prize -Collab with me -Featured on Electro Central, Dimension EDM, and my SoundCloud -Featured in the At Last EP -Bragging Rights -The Opportunity to remix any of my songs --First Prize -Collab with me -Featured on Electro Central, Dimension EDM and my SoundCloud -Free downloads for all my songs for a year -Featured in the At Last EP -Bragging Rights -The Opportunity to remix any of my songs - A spot in a live performance Good Luck! :) Sng:!Ah1VNb8KUMYejGQbwA59r4pp_TDT
At Last Remix Competition


Jxyne Avatar
Jxyne8 years ago
Starting my remix now XD
AMT Avatar
AMT8 years ago
Specify that. If you're asking what synths, GM-2 (piano), VA (Pluck), VA (Saws), VA Synth (Lead) Supersaw (Saws), Spc (Hats & Drums), FM synth (Bass Boom), Simple Synth (Bass). If you want to know everything exactly, download the SNG and load it into the chrome studio
Archentavios (Let's hit 30!) Avatar
Archentavios (Let's hit 30!)8 years ago
pusle can you tell me what you put in that song
AMT Avatar
AMT8 years ago
I am nearly finished. Oftwhyte, you are just in time. I am just wrapping up scoring.
theoftus Avatar
theoftus8 years ago
I hope I'm not too late, I just put this together with the idea of an edit rather than a remix, trying to change the instruments and drums rather than the layout of the song.
blind euphoria. Avatar
blind euphoria.8 years ago
@Pulse When will you be finished with judging?
AMT Avatar
AMT8 years ago
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
@Pulse. Thanks!
AMT Avatar
AMT8 years ago
I am now judging the songs so far. I will PM each person with their score and info.
AMT Avatar
AMT8 years ago
ANNOUNCEMENT: I would like to release the At Last EP soon, but I need you guys' remixes. So tell you what: I'm splitting this contest up into two stages: 1) At Last EP finishers. Those of you who have their remixes done now will be judged. The first place winner and the runner up will make it on the At Last EP. 2) Those of you who want more time will have a chance to win 1 of 3 spots on the upcoming Flashlight EP. Good Luck!