Mr. Marco's Sound Engineering Tips and Tricks

Ask a question here or give an answer if you're already discovered one.
I'll mention things I've noticed too.
If something stumps me I bet I can find out a good answer fairly quickly from peers and mentors and such.
This is also a good place to point out something that seems buggy and how to get past it. Such as this morning lots of people imported a midi but they couldn't hear it. What we found was to save it as the filename we're going to keep, then log out and back in and then open it again and see if sound works again. This worked every time today.
marco frucht
Ask a question here or give an answer if you're already discovered one.
I'll mention things I've noticed too.
If something stumps me I bet I can find out a good answer fairly quickly from peers and mentors and such.
This is also a good place to point out something that seems buggy and how to get past it. Such as this morning lots of people imported a midi but they couldn't hear it. What we found was to save it as the filename we're going to keep, then log out and back in and then open it again and see if sound works again. This worked every time today.
marco frucht

marcosongs8 years ago
Check out what Theo did. I didn't notice it 'til many months later. Fun!
marcosongs8 years ago
OK everyone. I carved all the snippets of the Rumble Remix from class into an MP3 that I released at soundcloud and reverbnation. You can hear it at and I have to figure out how to make a youtube that scrolls with everyones' soundation nicknames and maybe every real first name or something. Enjoy, marco frucht
MemeBoi8 years ago
marcosongs8 years ago
I know what you mean!
SloshySounds8 years ago
I wish I had more free time...
King Frxstie 1018 years ago
It is a pretty lit website. I might be able to figure out how to use it tho because I make YouTube videos so it could be quite easy.
marcosongs8 years ago
Woah, those of you who wanted to learn video editing right after soundation should teach yourselves this one. Until 5 minutes ago I didn't even know it existed. I was minding my own business telecommuting in a Starbucks and a young mom asked me to help her learn how to use it because she paid for the pro version and got confused. And yes she's going to pay me to do this. I'll be literally teaching myself this as quickly as I can so I can do this for her. So hint, hint, hint. There's money to be made out there, right?
marcosongs8 years ago
OK up top it says /my account/ click that, then /tracks/ and then the bottom right it says /allow other users to download this track/ I'll look up his email and send him links to both your songs too so he could just click on it if he wants.
marcosongs8 years ago
SloshySounds is right. You could download your song as an Mp3 and then send it to him. I think you have to click the box at the bottom right though where it asks if you want people to be able to download. Let me find exactly where that is and describe it here.
SloshySounds8 years ago
If you want to send your song to Mr. Mazz go to my account, tracks, and hit download on the track you want and it will download as an MP3 file and then you can send it to him via whatever means you like. Ex. E-mail etc.