Radiation Zone

Radiation Zone
Any one who wants to join send me a message or something. This group is for people who want to make music 4 fun. https://king11.simplesite.com/ Rules: 1.keep cussing to a limit 2.have FUN 3.be nice 4.Rock your head OFF
Any one who wants to join send me a message or something. This group is for people who want to make music 4 fun. https://king11.simplesite.com/ Rules: 1.keep cussing to a limit 2.have FUN 3.be nice 4.Rock your head OFF
Radiation Zone


Washed Out Avatar
Washed Out11 years ago
check out cold..
DJ-King Avatar
DJ-King11 years ago
Whats up guys i'm trying to get my group on the populare list
Washed Out Avatar
Washed Out11 years ago
new song out
Tac9 Avatar
Tac911 years ago
I'm in.
DJ-King Avatar
DJ-King11 years ago
is anyone this website any more? lol :)
DJ-King Avatar
DJ-King11 years ago
hey whats up
DJ-King Avatar
DJ-King11 years ago
What's up guys check out the link at the top of the page, it is my web site I made! ☺
DJ-King Avatar
DJ-King11 years ago
Any one that plays Call of duty modern warfare 2 can join. my games tag is PANDA sNipeR32 join if you play online send me a message with your games tag. this is not a music group. this is a social chat/comment group. my group name is "Call of duty mw2 group only".
skyrim man Avatar
skyrim man11 years ago
I am in the challange