G0 M1N3CR4F7

G0 M1N3CR4F7
I get inspiration from minecraft. Do you? Then you should join this group. Or, just join it if you have heard of the game :D
Th3 51ng3r avatarMusicmaster101 avatarxDead_Wukongx avatarDj Hotshot avatarSuper Neons On Vegas Airwaves avatarromotoma avatarCorpse avatar
I get inspiration from minecraft. Do you? Then you should join this group. Or, just join it if you have heard of the game :D
G0 M1N3CR4F7


romotoma Avatar
romotoma12 years ago
hey guys check out my account songs and all hope you like! http://soundation.com/user/romotoma
romotoma Avatar
romotoma12 years ago
hey guys listen to my songs on left -----> the songs are called immortal and techno time if u like it subscribe to my track thx
xDead_Wukongx Avatar
xDead_Wukongx12 years ago
Creepers gonna Creep.
Musicmaster101 Avatar
Musicmaster10112 years ago
Hey, this group is cool! There's also a group called "Minecraft". Cool!
DJ ferny jr Avatar
DJ ferny jr12 years ago
hey bro u defenitly have musical talent i like that last track you posted. im looking for small groups like yours and mine and beast net (with me) and merging the together to make M.O.B.B DEEP 2 da group. please consider my offer -rene