Linkin Park Fan Group
Hey guys, this is a group for anyone to join, but if you like Linkin Park, DEFINETLY join. Have Fun and post music!
Soundwave Destructors
This group is a daily newsletter on the latest music tips and tricks from the masters such as Skrillex, Pendulum, Avicii. You'll also receive web links for where you can download the hottest free samples on the internet. Anyone can join and share their music with all the other members and I. I don't care if you think your music is bad, I'll be here to share tips with you. ROCK ON SOUNDWAVE DESTRUCTORS! :D
mexicansuperman11 years ago
DUDE THIS is FREKIN EPIC POST IT EVERY WHERE your music sounds like daft punk or Deadmou5 your really good
Nobody12 years ago
Thanks a lot complex, I'll post it on some of my groups
ComPlex12 years ago
Holy Shiz! this is epic! you gotta get this out more, post it here and there! <3
Nobody12 years ago
yeah sure, just edited, now you can download
Sprixi12 years ago
I LOVE IT!!!!~ Can you put it up for download so i can show my buddies at school?! oh and no you are not a fail!~