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Blondie8788 Avatar
over 6 years ago

BTW, I enjoyed this. Totally chill and I loved it....

Blondie8788 Avatar
over 6 years ago

Jordan, apparently no one has explained to you that music, ANY MUSIC, is objective, and if someone enjoys computerized music or by any other means, then that is his or her preference. If you don't like it, then you need to go somewhere else and not waste your time making negative comments. Be gone already!!!

mondaze. Avatar
over 6 years ago

This isn't even on the charts...?

Jordan Mathewson Avatar
Jordan Mathewson
over 6 years ago

I have no idea why this is on the charts....for a start this is not "music" if you want some good music listen to artists like taylor swift and one direction.

banskii Avatar
over 6 years ago

@Chordial.zip true

banskii Avatar
over 6 years ago

delete your retarted argument with unique

Chordial Avatar
over 6 years ago

meh i don't care if nobody calls it a remix, this is fire

mondaze. Avatar
over 6 years ago


Caffeinayt Avatar
over 6 years ago

stick* not stink

Caffeinayt Avatar
over 6 years ago

agruing is not necessary, it sounds nothing like the original, but i very slightly hear the same chords, but it still dont sound like the original, it had the potential to beat me, but sounds nothing like the original, wouldve done great as an original track, but sounds nothing like the original, i personally think you need to take criticism better and stink to making things that are original, because thats what your best at
