Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Music Makerz
So after a lil bit I actually turned into a decently popular rapper Im glad this is still one of the top groups, keep spammin Im sure someone will click it lol Soundcloud: Big Roshi Ill be there 100% of the time I came back here cus I was bored. Love you soundation but unless my messages start getting real business offers/collaborations this won't be a priority. TheDevilstop is a grown man now, he's got bill and such lol. HMU Best of luck with your music careers, mine started here and ended in me being an ignorant rapper. Never know what'll happen. - Roshi (7/12/2018) P.S I owe a lot this website, use these tools cus nobody else will be ya hero
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
Music Movement
Passionate about music? Then this is the right place for you. Let your imagination run wild with what you create and love the feeling of sharing your passion with everyone else who shares the same dream. "Music makes your body rock"....LOL
The Bat crew
This is the place where you can post your best tracks and get nice welcomed feedback that is truthful! Make sure you are posting tracks guys!!!
DeadMouse Group
Join if you are a Deamouse fan.
Advertise Your Music
COME ON GUYS: THIS GROUP IS PRETTY INACTIVE. LET'S GET THIS GOING. KEEP POSTING YOUR TRACKS AND GIVIN OTHERS FEEDBACK. --JustMusic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can share your songs in here to get them heard. Share your style. Comment on others music. Display your ideas and creativity. Inspire others and give them feedback. There's no limit. Invite your friends tell them to invite theirs and make a big Soundation community where everyone can share their music with each other. It's time to Advertise Your Music on Soundation Please no swearing or hateful comments on this page. It's a place for creative music not creative language. Thank you. Enjoy - -JustMusic (Manager/Creator) If you think your song deserves a feature send me a PM with a link and I'll decide. GOOD songs will be featured here in the description of the page with a link to it so people can listen. The BEST songs will be be featured right here on the page so people can listen easily to the greatest hits of Soundations very best artists. Best Songs:
Muzic Place
Electonic Dance/Dubstep
This Group is for artists just like me..... Artists are welcome if you would like to be noticed with your music. If you are good at what you do please join and together we can all get noticed!!!!!!!!! I am on soundcloud at: tyler_heinrichs_dubstep!!! _________________________________________________ GET MORE INFORMATION If you would like to get more information on how we will try to get you noticed please just send me a pm and i will awnser, i may not awnser right away but i will awnser eventually. _________________________________________________ LOOKING FOR ADVERTIZER We are also looking for any advertizers that would be wiling to advertize for free, if you would like to advertize this group in any way just give me a pm and i will awnser back asap. _________________________________________________ UPDATES There will be updates every 2 weeks or less ________________________________________________ VOCAL HITS I will be having a contest that is starting in a week... It is a vocal hit contest.....whoever comes out with the best song with an upscale and a phrase before the drop....will win a big advertizment on my group title....advertizement will be where this ad is _________________________________________________ GOING LIVE PROJECT hey everybody we will be setting up a contes here on this have 1 week to make the best beat you it on this group and we will tell you if you have made it and if that will get to play your song live in Winnipeg Manitoba 1 WEEK ENDS NEXT FRIDAY AT 6:00 P.M. _________________________________________________ MUST READ BELLOW IF YU THINK YOU CAN GET A RIDE TO MY HOUSE IN 2 YEARS I THINK I CAN GET A STAGE AND PLZ BRING SOME GOOD SPEAKERS AND WE WILL TRY TO GET ALOT OF PEOPLE TO WATCH SO IF YOU WANT TO PERFORM LIVE EVERYONE CAN IN 2 YEARS, PM ME FOR MORE INFO
Electronic Music
Join this if you like Electronic music, and feel free to invite people who make electronic music. Thanks
♫♪♫ Music Inspiration ♫♪♫
This group is dedicated to Music. Any type of genres. Whether it's Dubstep, Hip-Hop/RNB, Electronica,etc. Everyone is welcomed in this group! We've reached our goals as well. There are also Amazing Songs on Soundation. I haven't been updating this group for awhile. Feature Update: Every 2 weeks there will be new tracks featured. News: Anyone Who Wants to Remix Dilemma There will be an Sng File in another Group Rules: Be Mature, Respect Others, Make Music, Have Fun. No pointing people out in a rude way. GOALS: _________________________________________________ [X]10 [X] 20 [X] 30 [X] 40 [X] 50 [X] 60 [X] 70 [X] 80 [X] 90 ENJOY THE MUSIC! .ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.
DUTCH10 years ago
3de World Reject10 years ago
Only 7 likes? Come on people!!!! This is an awesome peace of music right here.
Sean Foxx10 years ago
Love it!
Julian10 years ago
Tac910 years ago
Can I remix? I only need teh melody :D
3de World Reject10 years ago
Nice, left a like.
EDV!N - E !10 years ago
Cool! years ago
Thanks dood
Lynxed10 years ago
Wow this is good!