Accepting Defeat

Almost 10 years ago Electronica
Here I am, making another one. This is carefully edited as same as most of my tracks, but this one is easily one of my best tracks I've ever made. That doesn't mean I'm going to stay like this.

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Clever Whiz  Avatar
Clever Whiz 10 years ago
I agree with 3de World Reject, that intro does sound pretty badass! However the lead in he intro gets a little repetitive try to add more notes to it. I would also recommend to shorten the intro, that gets repetitive as well. Also I would recommend adding white noise sweeps and risers that would make your transitions smoother. Overall, it sounds really cool!
Cartsoul Avatar
Cartsoul10 years ago
Thanks. :) I think the best thing I do is intros.
3de World Reject Avatar
3de World Reject10 years ago
That intro ......