Summer Midnight Snow

This is a crazy description (But I don't care :P), but imagine [while listening to this track] if one day it snowed at midnight in the summer. The snow isn't cold but warm, and it's glowing and changing colors. (Think about it........) Isn't that cool!!??
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Cyverbit10 years ago
This is really nice! LOVE the melodies and harmonies you worked in. +1
Foresight11 years ago
Hot. Nice work!!!!
Winter Apollo11 years ago
You made me dream and imagine the possibilities with this one track. Great Job, Artwork! Keep Up The Great Work! #keepondreamingyourdreams
SlaveToWave11 years ago
Warm and cold at the same've managed to link the two awesome:-)
M-possible11 years ago
it was cold
Babylon11 years ago
You made me dream for a few minutes ... Good job.