Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
People who put effort and meaning in their songs are welcome to join. Caliber doesn't really matter.
Please only post midi tracks and don't forget to click the FOLLOW BUTTON If you want your track featured just send me a pm of it I'll think about it and decide if I want it to be featured. sometimes If it's REALLY good then I will keep it featured longer. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Features)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ~~~~~~~~~~~Other great groups to check out~~~~~~~~~~~ - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~Great tracks to check out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((SoundCloud)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) __________-Soundcloud Users to Check Out-__________ - - - - - - ---------------_Soundcloud Tracks to check out_---------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All this will be changed every 2/3 weeks, on Friday's.
~- JayWheelz Promote All The Way -~
*UPDATE:* I promote JayWheelz because he kicks ass at what he does and, I am an Entrepreneur. I am with The Legends Network and you can learn more about what I do for a living here: I am finally living my dreams out, ya'll. Now, I am doing what I have been wanting to do for sooooooooooo long. HELP SUPPORT JAYWHEELZ BY GETTING HIS VIDEOS UP TO 1 MILLION VIEWS. HE JUST RELEASED A NEW TRACK CALLED, "Life Changes": <- "Life Changes" Changing it up. Thinking it into existence. Making it happen. I will let ya'll know what my future project is and how it will affect the future of my career or yours, possibly. *+Administrator+ - ItsCarlyo* ~Yours truly, Carl
~TrueMusic~(2016 Update)
This group is for people who want to contribute there music to more people and listen to and beginners could learn more and get more advanced in to making their tracks. PLEASE POST TRACKS however many as you can. Featured tracks will be changed every Monday and Friday. If you want them featured make sure they're good. Please give feedback on my tracks as well. !!!! Have Fun Guys !!!! :D
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
the legends
join if u want to hear some good music and have fun
The Beats of Tomorrow
This is a group where everyone gets a fair shot at having their music featured! If you have a good song and you want to get it out there let me know and I'll see what I can do for you! Also the group "Music For Fun" is willing to help you with any questions you have and the admin is very helpful!
CO-ADMIN: DJ Skateboarder Jared ( Behave Yourselves !!! ) RULEZ: POST ALL THE TRACKS YOU WANT HAVE FUN AND TELL MORE ABOUT THIS GROUP AND NONE OF PEOPLE PUTTING OTHERS DOWN OR YOU WILL BE KICKED!!! ANNOUNCEMENTS: POST ALL OF YOUR TRACKS Who Ever Gets The Most Votes On Their Track Will Be Featured And will Have A shoutout Join My New Groups!!!!!!!!!! `/JOIN!!!! SIDE POSTS: -Keep Posting & Tell Your Friends to Join Make Sure You Check Out My Page And Send me a PM if you have any questions ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4 NEW TRACKS WILL BE POSTED AND UP WITHIN A MONTH OR SO 5 NEW PREVIEWS ARE OUT ON MY PAGE PLEASE LISTEN TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When A PREVIEW 100 PEOPLE TO LISTEN TO IT ILL PUT THE FULL SONG OUT!!! FEATURED GROUPS: SHOUTOUTS/ PEOPLE TO CHECK OUT: DJ Skateboarder SAVAS Calum Hood (Cal) Cyber Posix Manny Lostdutchmen TwistedDreamers The New Kid ComPlex Ambience Wakkawakkaofficial M.G.S paulinaomel razeon Tech Twister Magistidy Flystarr Xaes Oozzie ****MusicExtreme**** FOLLOWING AND JOINING: You can choose to follow anyone here in the group and feel free to join any group that is featured. KEEP POSTING!!!
Real Hip Hop Artists
It doesn't have to be ongoing hip-hop, although it is recommended. If you can make a good beat, it will be featured. I will be honest, songs where the beat is exactly the same throughout the majority of the duration (a major loop) probably will not get featured
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Brief Overview:* KOTB is a group dedicated to the rap and hip hop genres. Of course, you can post any genre of music you would like to KOTB, but the specific genres rap and hip hop (or trap, trapstep, etc.) are recommended. Also, those genres are more likely to be featured. On to a new subject.. The meaning of the acronym KOTB is "Kings Of The Bass", inevitably with the word 'bass' meaning an 808 kick, not the instrument. Both beginners and experts are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention New Members!: Welcome to KOTB. You may post as much tracks as you want to this group. I also encourage you to listen to the featured tracks. Thanks for joining! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information About the Featured Songs: I change the featured songs whenever I can. I feature songs that I feel deserve popularity. The featured songs can be any genre. Also, you may ask to have one of your songs featured (Keep in mind I have the right to decline your request for any reason). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Just ask me, JR, admin of KOTB. Send me a PM with what you need to know.
Private Dutchland
This brings out the old day man :D
Music is Cool
Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox": "Heywhatchadoing?": h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17": "DJ Fox": Click "here": to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM": Click "here": to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox": Click "here": to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox": **Electronica:** "wyatt17": "Heywhatchadoing?": "ksmtornado": "DJ LJ[liamboi486]": *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?": **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz": h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music": "Music For Fun": "Music Makerz": "Tornado!": "UrbanNiche": "The Ministry Of Soundation": "The Beats of Tomorrow": "Ministry Of Soundation Contest": "Sound of Advancement": "Sound Generators": "Versus": "PB4L Kings":
Music Makerz
So after a lil bit I actually turned into a decently popular rapper Im glad this is still one of the top groups, keep spammin Im sure someone will click it lol Soundcloud: Big Roshi Ill be there 100% of the time I came back here cus I was bored. Love you soundation but unless my messages start getting real business offers/collaborations this won't be a priority. TheDevilstop is a grown man now, he's got bill and such lol. HMU Best of luck with your music careers, mine started here and ended in me being an ignorant rapper. Never know what'll happen. - Roshi (7/12/2018) P.S I owe a lot this website, use these tools cus nobody else will be ya hero
SlaveToWave11 years ago
thanks DJ
DJ Rudy Paulenko11 years ago
Very nice. Great username is well.
SlaveToWave11 years ago
thanks a lot, guys
Foresight11 years ago
LEGITTTT this is amazing. GREAT work :)
DUTCH11 years ago
wow, this is soooo great, REALLY AWESOME!!! keep up the good work!