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ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

@Trillan Elon co-hosted meme review, and for that reason I now respect him (and who cares about Tesla and SpaceX? This guy did a MEME REVIEW!) [also thanks xD]

@Aperture I don't really want to watch movies (which is why I live under a rock when it comes to movie plots lol), but yeah, I can pretty much get what you're saying :P

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

But ChordsBoy, seriously, if you watch all the star wars movies, you will most definitely know what I mean when I say it is a complete cliche. The only 1 thing I found not to be cliche (sorry for spoilers) is when Han Solo died from his son in... Was it in "The Last Jedi" or was it in "The Force Awakens"...? (Seriously, sorry for spoilers).

. Avatar
about 5 years ago

Bless Elon, also there's some good melody in there

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

It might as well be xD

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

Wow, I thought that was impossible.

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

I somehow went my whole life never watching Star Wars, but there's tons of Sci-fi stuff that isn't cliche, one of which being the literal only book I've ever enjoyed: "2001: a Space Odyssey" (not the movie tho, apparently that wasn't nearly as good)

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

Not that much into sci-fi mainly because Star Wars sucks (you wanna know why it sucks? It's because it is always the same thing in each movie, ya know, the empire does something and the rebels defeat another death star, and then the empire is a complete idiot and does it again instead of giving up.)

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 5 years ago


berightback Avatar
over 5 years ago

very spacey. the name really fits

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 5 years ago

