Online studio
Make music
166 0 7
00:00 / 03:12


ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

Aw, thanks :D

berightback Avatar
about 5 years ago


berightback Avatar
about 5 years ago

your awesome enough

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

I mean, I don't really care about likes on here anymore. I only still post here to show my followers on here my music. I'm not sure how many would exclusively listen to my songs on YouTube either. As for distributing music, not sure if I'm ready for that yet, my music still isn't professional-sounding enough I don't think lol, but that is a pretty good deal. Might check it out one day!

Also, I feel like Soundcloud is too saturated of a website to get average artists like me any substantial attention. You'd have to be pretty awesome to get anyone other than bots to notice you

[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]
about 5 years ago

hey let's get this trending-

oh wait we're all banned from trending because we use fl.......

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago


[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]
about 5 years ago

hahah first!1!11!one
