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little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

And remember these guys are swedes so.....why do you care

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

Automation literally costs two dollars a month. If you can't afford that get off your bum and go explore the greatness that is Capitalism. GO MOW A LAWN!

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

You know the TV show Good Omens? on netflix or whatever........There are all those Christians who are whining about it making fun of the providence of God. (BTW I'm a Christian) STOP WATCHING IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!! Because if some enjoy watching let them.

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago


ocolix  Avatar
almost 5 years ago

Guys check out my gas chamber type beat!

Vacant Avatar
almost 5 years ago

go ahead @ocolix. @logan that's like saying that you can murder all of your countries citizens bc it's YOUR country

ocolix  Avatar
almost 5 years ago

To to my gas chamber type beat

ocolix  Avatar
almost 5 years ago

working on a song. Can i take your cover art?

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

The funny thing is is that i'll probably go back on what i said in a couple days.....lol

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

I get where y'all are standing from but seriously it's like whining about a tv show you don't like.....(clears throat) if you don't like it DON'T watch it.....and if others like it.....don't ruin it for them
