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Heywhatchadoing? Avatar
almost 12 years ago

Judging for Summer Music Festival: Creativity 5 out of 5; The use of foldback distortion on the drums really makes the track more rhythmic! Skill Level: 5 out of 5; You've definitely shown us your capable of creating many melodies in one song, you've layered your sounds and you haven't used any loops or samples. Originality; 5 out of 5; never in my life have I heard this song before...it sounds egyptian almost! You get 15 out of 15 from me!! :D

Triskelight Avatar
almost 12 years ago

I'm pretty sure its FAAAAAKE. There is no "real episode". If there is, it is not everything that was described. I'm thinking that, at least. The youtube thing is fake, the backstory is FAAAKE, its creepypasta. Some a##hole made it up to spook and trololol people lol. :3

Aubreyaa_01 Avatar
almost 12 years ago

no the youtube definitely movie,real episode on the other hand........well walt made that.

Triskelight Avatar
almost 12 years ago

o.o....k lol

Xodus Avatar
almost 12 years ago

Fire and Ice Alpha drops next week!

Triskelight Avatar
almost 12 years ago

A real episode? What? I mean the screaming sounds, those might have been taken from a movie and put on it lol.

Aubreyaa_01 Avatar
almost 12 years ago

no not from horror movie it was a real episode just not on youtube

Triskelight Avatar
about 12 years ago

Discovery channel....? I don't think creepyoastas are on discovery much.... well either way, the youtube vid isn't much, and it's just mickey walking. After the black screen, theres screams that might have been taken from an old horror movie or something, its flashing and zooming in and out or something, but thats it. Two of my friends watched the video(DJ Fox being one) and both told me that's all it was and it wasn't scary. I watched the very beginning of it just to see what kind of animation the video is. Looks fake to me. Won't watch if though cuz I don't handle creepypasta well....

Big Roshi Avatar
Big Roshi
about 12 years ago

It was written in by Walt, and when he died it was in his will for everyone to see it. They never aired it but it leaked. It was all his mind and it's not fake, as far as discovery channel has told me.

Triskelight Avatar
about 12 years ago

Lol my friend watched it. From what I have gathered, the story about it is just a creepypasta(fake weird scary stuff) and someone on youtube made a video based off it. I saw the beginning of the vid, horrible drawing and crappy animation lol. My friend watched the whole vid, he said near the end the sound turns to screaming and it flashes and zooms in and out lol. Just some stupid vid someone on youtube made, be chill about it XD. The scary thing is the backstory(the creepypasta).
