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💔➈➈❾ѕ𝐡𝐀𝔡öฬ𝔰💔 Avatar

no prob my brotha

123 Avatar
about 5 years ago

aight thanks bruh

💔➈➈❾ѕ𝐡𝐀𝔡öฬ𝔰💔 Avatar

And definitely make sure this 808 is at least almost full volume

💔➈➈❾ѕ𝐡𝐀𝔡öฬ𝔰💔 Avatar

well its pretty simple go to va synth and use pizzacato put whatever note you want at a very low key like C2 or 3 put a limiter on it and fully maximize it then put distortion and keep it on clip dont change and if you want extra oompfh put an extra limiter and increase it a slight tad

123 Avatar
about 5 years ago

teach me how 2 make it and ill teach u how to any one of my 808s or somethin

💔➈➈❾ѕ𝐡𝐀𝔡öฬ𝔰💔 Avatar

The 808 to this I made goes hard as fuck

123 Avatar
about 5 years ago

i could def c carti on dis.
