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Unorthadox Avatar
over 10 years ago


DUTCH Avatar
over 10 years ago

like i said by your wip one, AWESOME!

Unorthadox Avatar
over 10 years ago

Thanks, Dap! I'll definitely look into remastering tomorrow.

Luminous (Formerly dApl8ya) Avatar
Luminous (Formerly dApl8ya)
over 10 years ago

First off, I got 2 say I absolutely love it! I LOVE the kicks you used, huge fan of the bass, and the melody lines are killer. I am no expert on Dubstep, so take it for what it is worth, but I am not a fan of the supersaw in the beginning and second buildup. Also the drop at the end, it is close to dubstep, but it still doesn't have that feel to it. I would say try being more random in the sounds and instruments you use in the drop, and also make the drums a tad bit louder. Other than that I LOVE it. Great Work!

Unorthadox Avatar
over 10 years ago

Well, whatever it is, I can improve on it. Any tips?

theoftus Avatar
over 10 years ago

Sounds more like like Electstep (Electro/Dubstep) But It still sound amazing! Only problem is there isnt a long enough climax.

Unorthadox Avatar
over 10 years ago

Thank you guys for the feedback! And, M.G.S., this is no where near the caliber of professionals and the like. I am quite proud of it though. I think I'll continue playing around with this genre for a little while, at the very least.

carlos1 Avatar
over 10 years ago

search for my new tracks halo and vrain confused!

M.G.S Avatar
over 10 years ago

how can you say that you can't do much o.O

carlos1 Avatar
over 10 years ago

aweome one dude
