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Skylar Strife  Avatar
Skylar Strife
over 9 years ago

Thanks everybody for the feedback! I posted another one like this that was longer than this one... @Eleventeen I tried, really I did.

EDV!N - E ! Avatar
EDV!N - E !
over 9 years ago

That Sounds good!

Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals Avatar

Pretty good. Seems like that bass is out of key or just a little odd for this track and the drums could sit in the mix better for the intro. Interesting though. Good work. :)

anthony balacco Avatar
anthony balacco
over 9 years ago

i don't think the sounds fit too well with each other... :/ the drums are good too, but it is louder than the rest of the song...

Yung N ICy Avatar
Yung N ICy
over 9 years ago

Pretty good so far the only thing I would change is turn the snare down some unless thats what you're going for other than that cant wait for the full song
