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Music and Technology Students Avatar

The beat that is going throughout the whole song is a great idea!

Music and Technology Students Avatar

Excellent sample choices at the beginning! They fit together very well and they build the tension of your song by slowly layering in. I like how at 45 seconds the songs changes, but not so dramatically that it sounds out of place. Great addition at 1:06, could you extend that section a bit for the both times it is present? It is a great resolve of tension that I think listeners would like to dance to, but it is so short they would take a second to realize it is playing, start dancing, and then have to stop immediately. Lengthen it to give your listeners more of that experience. Awesome!

Music and Technology Students Avatar

I love it! Good Job :)

Music and Technology Students Avatar

Garrett Moore Made this song btw 2014-2015 class gr. 8

Music and Technology Students Avatar

I think your song is really great. I didnt think there was any 'crap' crammed in there... it turned out grrreat. *insert thumbs up here*
