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00:00 / 05:24


KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
almost 8 years ago

@phantom haha thanks for calling my melody wack xD but it is pretty cool how someone can make a great track with a good beat over a "wack" melody lol

SoulessAroun' Avatar
almost 8 years ago

I actually like the melody. One of the magical things about beats is that if you can throw good percussion over a wack melody it can still sound nice.

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

and Yesssssss you learned how to make the Pitch Drop using soundation!!!!!!! this is 1/2 beat (i want you to make the Slow Tripplet like i usually do lol) #SoundationGrossBeatMakers!!!

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

hard to judge right naw XD

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
almost 8 years ago

Thank you Roix and Dutchy. @royal yeahhh, the melody isn't the best but it gets better at the end

g Avatar
almost 8 years ago

the melody isn't my favorite. but it love the production and sound design :)

g Avatar
almost 8 years ago

nice one homie

SoulessAroun' Avatar
almost 8 years ago

Ouh Gaud. Sounds like Oozie is one the beat with the bass. Sick beat boiiiiii

[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]
almost 8 years ago

I like it! :)

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
almost 8 years ago

Thanks Dutchy, appreciate the love
