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damien-justinich Avatar
over 4 years ago


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over 4 years ago

Dang you went deep

damien-justinich Avatar
over 4 years ago

PART 1 **The beginning is before the war starts, everything is good between the two sides then Negotiations go bad and when the music starts is when the war begins per-say. Then it jumps to the middle of the battle (where swallow your soul is). Both sides are even but the "good guys" are beginning to lose. It now jumps to near the end of the battle, (with the "here we go" part). Being outnumbered but they are still fighting for their lives, though now low on ammo. They run out of ammo and get captured. Jumping to a rescue team to rescue their guys who got captured.**

damien-justinich Avatar
over 4 years ago

PART 2 **Then they find out that the guys who were captured had 'Unholy' things happen to them. Now they have to Escape. Then it jumps to a few seconds before the war ends. The "bad guys" have essentially won and the leader/tyrant is speaking but it gets cut off abruptly due to the Boom(heavy bass note) which is supposed to simulate an explosion. With this the good has finally won, at a high cost; though, there is peace now, but to make sure all the leaders and an uprising doesn't start again -- the like wildfire part -- the "good guys" explode the capital Ending all future wars to come.**
