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banskii Avatar
almost 5 years ago

@SLOCM3Z np bro and honestly I agree. Music is just something fun I do on the side

SLOCM3Z Avatar
almost 5 years ago

i've been on the thought process of this idea recently. and I've actually come to a conclusion to one of my ideas, and it's that music hasn't been an escape for me. i don't know why. i feel like work and being out of the house is more of an escape than anything. of course the music can come along with that but coming to the music in my house doesnt help much anymore. feels bad. hope that makes sense. also, i'm glad you've made this. thanks man :) people need this kind of positivity

a!m Avatar
almost 5 years ago

Awww <333

Katze Avatar
almost 5 years ago


banskii Avatar
almost 5 years ago

Much love to the soundation community <3

banskii Avatar
almost 5 years ago

It doesn't matter how old, how mature, what race, what social group, what economic status - life is a learning process and don't ever forget that. With every passing breath we grow and it's important to understand that with each passing breath you come closer to your end result. Your final you. With each passing breath we flip the pages of our life and we all have to remember to stay strong and do the best we can.
