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Foresight Avatar
over 9 years ago

@Eleventeen actually there is a fair amount of Prog. House with basses layering in the background. I'll show you what I mean later. And I do agree the sub could use a volume boost but I think it's still pretty nice overall. Make sure you don't normalize when you export as long as you've dropped the master volume, the songs a little quiet.

anthony balacco Avatar
anthony balacco
over 9 years ago

@Everyone with the bass thing... this song is not meant for a bass, it is a chill prog house song... it doesn't need a bass in the back... it has subs... you gotta listen for them...

over 9 years ago

Too many breakdowns for me, personally. I think the chorus could have been longer for much of the track, but other than that, some vocals, a sub bass, and raise the volume after the drop, it should be a masterpiece.

The King 36 Avatar
The King 36
over 9 years ago

Like it man, I agree, it feels like it's missing something, (probably some vocals, my opinion) btw LOVE the sin.

Sam_Pugh Avatar
over 9 years ago

moar bass!!! I agree wiv everyone - just a sub will make a big difference

Visualz Avatar
over 9 years ago

this really needs more sounds

over 9 years ago

nicely done sir. I love the piano to deaths. Making me even more excited for our collab. Dats right britches Cyclists and Eleventeen coming soon

Sean Foxx Avatar
Sean Foxx
over 9 years ago

I like this chord progression a lot better now! Great sound design too. Just try adding some sub bass. Like Ozcii said, it's missing some bass. Great track man!

Lynxed Avatar
over 9 years ago

Love that piano a lot dude, and I actually like the reverb, but after that first build up, the rest of the song should have been louder in my opinion, to get it that pumping feel.

Soundation News Avatar
Soundation News
over 9 years ago

How do you do it.. Get @Elizalde to comment on your tacks and help you... (I must learn your ways)
