Online studio
Make music

How to manage projects

Your projects can easily be created, searched, sorted, opened, renamed, duplicated, deleted, left, and saved in Soundation. Projects can be managed from the dashboard and from the studio.

Create projects

Create a new project by clicking on + Create a project from the Dashboard or by clicking on New project in the Project tab in the studio.


Creating a project in "My projects" will make it invisible to other users by default.

Search for your projects from the Dashboard or the Project tab in the studio by using the search bar.



Sort your projects from the Dashboard by Last changed, Last created, and Alphabetically in the upper-right corner.



Open your projects from the Dashboard or the Project tab inside the studio by double-clicking on them.

Rename, duplicate, delete, and leave

Rename, duplicate, and delete your projects from the Dashboard or the Project tab inside the studio from the dotted Options menu on the right-hand side of the project name. If you’re not the owner of the project, you can’t delete it, but you can leave it instead.


You can also rename your projects by clicking on the project name in the top bar. In addition to changing the name, you can upload cover art, write a description, and choose a genre.


Every change you make is auto-saved in Soundation. So you don’t have to worry about losing your progress. The auto-save is relying on you being online so make sure you’re connected to the internet.


At the bottom of the studio, you will see the save status

  • All changes saved
  • Saving…
  • Offline

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