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Peak of Understanding (REMIXES) Group Profile Picture
Created May 17, 2020

Peak of Understanding (REMIXES)

. Heres the original song.

I will give everybody until June 20th to remix this track. & I will pick 3 winners.

i hope you guys have fun & make friends & colab. ( I want to colab with someone but dont know who ,so just HMU if you wanna colab. We can be on a call on social media while in colab beta).

ill shout out the winners on the shout out group.

There is also another Remix group for Cloudy Days. You should check it out :)
Also heres my song sng.


Sky Avatar
about 4 years ago

pls can i join pls i beg u

Peachesꕥ (inactive) Avatar
Peachesꕥ (inactive)
about 4 years ago

Hey there! I am SO excited for this remix group! I am currently taking part in a separate remix contest, but I can't publish the track even though I have no other tracks and no imported or recorded files. I typed this in the feedback group, so HOPEFULLY someone can tell me what's going on and then HOPEFULLY I can post a track in this remix group!
