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Feedback and support Group Profile Picture
Created August 07, 2021

Feedback and support

This is a group where people can share their music and give and receive feedback and constructive criticism. If you want help with your music or want some outside ears to share there opinion on an unfinished song, this is the group for you. It is also a place where you can ask for help about anything Soundation, from how to post a track or how to navigate the studio.

Collaboration can help get amazing results so in this group we can all support each other in our music journeys.

There are a couple of rules. Breaking these rules will result in a ban from the group.

1. constructive criticism only( not hate comments) If someone asks for an opinion on their track please no hate, simply give improvement suggestions. Also try to keep outside dramma out of the group and keep profanity to a minimum :)

2. no spamming or self promotion. This group is about learning and improvement, not plays and likes. please don’t just ask for people to follow you or like your song.


MysterCG Avatar
over 2 years ago

Sounds pretty good, its makes me think of like a lullaby or something. There was somewhat of a buildup and I was definitely expecting some drums or something to come in.

Haunted Target Avatar
Haunted Target
over 2 years ago

I listened and it is really good, but if you want to add anything to it I'd say it would have to be a bit of low volume drums throughout the song, otherwise it is all in all a good song!

Bright Beats Avatar
Bright Beats
over 2 years ago

I feel like somethings missing from my song Moonlight flight. any suggestions?
