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Collab (NKM + Overdoze + Shockwave) Group Profile Picture
Created August 09, 2016

Collab (NKM + Overdoze + Shockwave)

Ok, so I have this intro: https://clyp.it/ssxjx4ui?token=ad7d56106a5e077490c183a0a19eeab2 I’ve called it Wild cuz it’s all jungle themed and shit XD So it’s this nice ambient chill intro, then I had this vision that it would suddenly drop and go fucking hard, massive basses and shit and then go into something similar in sound design to Suicide Note before it all goes chill again. I might edit the end of the intro to more fit to that.

Problem is, I don’t currently have a paid account, so the audio samples that you hear are ones that I imported before I lost it, so, if you want audio samples and shit, create the channel for them and we’ll send all the samples to one person to put in at the end. I should have my paid account back by the end of the month, so I guess we could do that and release it late August/early September, unless it takes longer, of course.

I created this to make it easier to contact each other, so we can organise hangouts and share our ideas together to make this track the best that it can be.

This should be awesome if it works XD

Emails: (For sending sng.s)

Me: Shur1kenCollabs@gmail.com
Overdoze: jjfuzion@live.ca
Shockwave: ishmaeltj23@gmail.com


overdoze Avatar
almost 8 years ago

overdoze: jjfuzion@live.ca

overdoze Avatar
almost 8 years ago

I dont have a paid account either, so im buttfucked for the samples
