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Soundation Crew Group Profile Picture
Created January 07, 2017

Soundation Crew


It’s time. Soundation needs a new team. The old team is entirely inactive, and things are truly falling apart, not just due to the team disappearing, but also because of users creating unnecessary drama. We’ve had too many amazing people lost to this. Every time I log on, I swear it’s all just drama and people saying they’re going to leave. It’s time for a revival.

This new team isn’t supposed to replace the old team. We’re not a new team who does this for a living. We’re just a bunch of people who love the good side of soundation and refuse to see it die and along with it, opportunities for beginning artists die. It’s not supposed to fix the studio. We’re just trying to keep morale up and we’re trying to act as leaders. We’re trying to find ways around the bugs in the studio, and we’ve created a group to feature songs in. And it won’t be a ten year old picking mine craft parodies. We have people like Josh Riker and Phoenix picking out features. We’re trying to show that even if the team is gone, we don’t have to act like everyone is dying. Don’t be dramatic like the other users who have negative attitudes. Be one of those people we can count on to be a good leader! (By the way, I have someone who literally can hack the features :))

The Crew

- NiteLight (Manager*)


- Soundation

- Email: gstudios2015@outlook.com

- Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/nitelightofficial

- Instagram: @nitelight_official

- Phoenix (Studio Manager*)


- Soundation: soundation.com/user/PhoenixMusic

- Email: Phoenixmusic11@gmail.com

- Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/phoenix_11

- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_SZwlF6raTEyhtiTOGQ_HA

- Roix (Soundation Regulation* and Feature Team*)


- Soundation: soundation.com/user/Hailax

- Email:

— Soundcloud:

- Josh Riker (Feature Team)


- Soundation: soundation.com/user/jriker1061065306

- Email: joshriker16@gmail.com

— Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/joshrike

-Composed (Feature Team*)


- Soundation: https://soundation.com/user/dougj5028275

- Email: jordan.harbor.dougan@gmail.com

— SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-56136328

-SilentWolf (Feature Team* and Soundation Regulation*)


- Soundation: https://soundation.com/user/SilentWolf390Music

- Email: silentwolf390@gmail.com

— SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/silentwolf3ze/

ChromeClouds (Feature Team*)


- Soundation: https://soundation.com/user/ChromeCloudsMusic

- Email:

— Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/chromecloudsmusic

If you recieved an invite, you are now part of the Crew! PM me if you would like to join the crew: I may or may not accept!


-Cosmic Candy
-Cyclosa :(:(
-Tom Bellinger
-Kracked Ekho
-Calum Hood
-Sean Foxx
-DJ Mel
And Many More to Come.

Featured Songs: https://soundation.com/group/featured-songs
Request a Feature: https://soundation.com/group/requestafeature
Soundation Regulation: https://soundation.com/group/soundation-regulation
Support: https://soundation.com/group/supportandinfo
Studio References: https://soundation.com/group/studio-references
Tip’s n Tricks: https://soundation.com/group/tips-n-tricks

Open to suggestions, just comment below

Let’s get this going again!
*For more information, go to the support group.


Diansiji Avatar
over 7 years ago

I've been pretty lax on the community thing lately lol. Instead of causing invisible chaos, I believe we should put less time into the Facebook part of soundation.com and more time into the studio part of it. Just my piece of input tbh.  "We’re just trying to keep morale up and we’re trying to act as leaders." I like this, but instead of having an issue, we should just stop talking about it. There is no problem, nothing has happened in the last week except random people leaving for specific reasons. No drama = Happy world.

Chordial Avatar
over 7 years ago

@SilentWolf Preach

Skyez Avatar
over 7 years ago

@Everyone for the sake of everyone here, Please just stop all of this commotion. How is this getting us any farther in bringing back Soundation? It's probably taking us farther back than we already are. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."

Skyez Avatar
over 7 years ago

tbh, when I first joined this site, everyone helped out everyone. Now everyone's just arguing. That's NOT why I decided to make music here, I could've chosen from the 20 other music studios, but I chose here. Sometimes I'm not so sure I made the right choice :(

AMT Avatar
over 7 years ago

BEFORE YOU DISS OUR HARD AND EARNEST WORK, FRICKIN' READ THE DESCRIPTION OF THESE GROUPS AND READ THE COMMENTS SO THAT YOU HAVE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF WHAT IS GOING ON, DAMMIT! (And I MEAN it! Too many people have called us pointless, stupid, and detrimental because they didn't even read what these groups were about and didn't skim through this conversation so they know what is going on!)

Chordial Avatar
over 7 years ago

@The Dutchman you want an example? Tomaz is keaving bc everyone else is: "Before you read this please like the song. As you have probably noticed lots of people have been leaving soundation and I will be leaving as well. Thank you to everyone who has followed me and supported me. I will only be posting on soundcloud now however I will still sometimes come on Soundation and listen to some peoples songs. If you want to follow me on soundcloud here is the link - https://soundcloud.com/t0maz-1 . Goodbye!" :/

AMT Avatar
over 7 years ago

Why don't you look through those leaving messages. We're just trying to help everyone feel like soundation is in one piece. And, Dutchman, don't be a smart ass and actually look at the support group if like the group description says to do if you want to know what studio manager does. I'm sick of people dissing our efforts when they have next to no idea what we're even doing! -_-

DUTCH Avatar
over 7 years ago

I dont know but almost no one is leaving, and specially not because of lost hope, exept for NKM.

Chordial Avatar
over 7 years ago

@The Dutchman although not everyone who is leaving left directly due to the drama, more people have been either leaving or taking a break recently, and since so many other people are leaving, many are "following them", largely because of lost hope.

Skyez Avatar
over 7 years ago

@Nitelight, means alot! :D @Composed :D yea
