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00:00 / 04:26


Outzyder Avatar
over 6 years ago

Even though it might not sound like it, this is at 200 bpm.

Outzyder Avatar
almost 7 years ago

Thanx guys! ^‿^ And thanks TRILL∧N for the diagram. I've been trying to figure that out for the longest time!

Chordial Avatar
almost 7 years ago

Lol, that melody is amazing....

. Avatar
almost 7 years ago

I made a little diagram:

Remove Spaces
https: //www. dropbox .com/s/932zb1dzap0dmdb/ Soundation%20File%20Exporting.jpg?dl=0

Outzyder Avatar
almost 7 years ago

I've been told that I could export .sng files with a free account, but I still don't know how to export .sng files without it coming out as some sort of Internet Explorer .sng shortcut. Is it supposed to be like that? And how am I supposed to open it in Soundation?

. Avatar
almost 7 years ago

Also if you send me the sng I'll play it on piano (;

. Avatar
almost 7 years ago

I recommended. It's by no means some sound design and mastering high-level production miracle, but the melody alone deserves it. It might be fun to play around with making it into a orchestral composition!

Outzyder Avatar
almost 7 years ago

This year went by too damn fast... So much has happened this year. I remember still being in High school at the beginning of this year. I barely remember the moment I graduated. I spent months away from home. I remember how Hurricane Irma disrupted my 1st semester in college. This year has been an emotional ride for me. But anyways.... I hope you guys are having a wonderful New Years weekend.
