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Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 1 year ago

i made something called "rainclouds" i forget but i think it was inspired by this... except it had actual substance.

mondaze. Avatar
over 7 years ago

VV it depends. I focus on layering the drums

mondaze. Avatar
over 7 years ago

Hey thanks haha!

1!¡MaDMaN¡!1 Avatar
over 7 years ago

This is, like, so sick. This sounds professional af! Like, something that an artist from Hospital would make!

mondaze. Avatar
over 7 years ago


mondaze. Avatar
over 7 years ago


Dead Dave Avatar
Dead Dave
over 7 years ago

definitely deserves trending

mondaze. Avatar
over 7 years ago

VVV thanks brah. I think the mixing on the piano couldve been more. hopefully this goes trending tho.

Lil'Reaper BeatFactory Avatar
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory
over 7 years ago

This is awesome, once again proving where I still stand in soundation, Jeez I've posted my best track and then get reminded that everyone else is also improving...Like Derp(Facepalm). Other than that I think you should increase the vol. on the piano track. and maybe increase the hi-hats gain a bit, just a tinsy winsy bit.

mondaze. Avatar
over 7 years ago

Thanks for all the feedback my dudes. @Roix that would be sick! Also guys i would really appreciate if you help get this trending. it would mean SO MUCH to me :D
