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Lil Splasha Avatar
Lil Splasha
almost 3 years ago

we know, read description bro, also you don't need copyright license if the beat is off the charts or if it kinda old

Lil Splasha Avatar
Lil Splasha
almost 3 years ago

finna say homie😂

Sam :p Avatar
Sam :p
almost 3 years ago


✨Warbredian King✨ Avatar
✨Warbredian King✨
almost 3 years ago

that comment was supposed to go to a different one they took it down tho a classmate and i were making a song together

Lil Splasha Avatar
Lil Splasha
almost 3 years ago


Sam :p Avatar
Sam :p
almost 3 years ago

ummmmmm,y'all good?

Lil Splasha Avatar
Lil Splasha
almost 3 years ago

bruh why are you tripping i told you i accidently erased "our sounds" section,which made all the files unavailable......thats why i wanted you to redo your recording.Still dont see why you tripping, because we did it for key and samantha

Lil Splasha Avatar
Lil Splasha
almost 3 years ago

umm that was me recording lol Mr.CatFish SPQR......and these was my lyrics....he had lyrics but i accidently erased "my sounds" section, which deleted all the files with the beat....so basically had to restart

✨Warbredian King✨ Avatar
✨Warbredian King✨
almost 3 years ago

thx but i only did the lyrics cuz my computer wouldnt let me record and then i sounded like i was seconds away from dying😅😅😅😅

Mr.CatFish SPQR Avatar
Mr.CatFish SPQR
almost 3 years ago

i like it hellhound! nice bro
