Online studio
Make music


Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
4 months ago

@WARHEAD$ did you just copy from this or did i accidentally do the same arrangement why are you also criticizing when you did exactly this

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 4 years ago

bruh; literally whenver some privileged ass just says 'ok[ay]' to something intentionally i feel rage because it shows a complete lack of care for or understanding of something conceptually, for fuck's sake

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 4 years ago

this is more 'when a man desperate to use transactions who lives a life like that in his fantasy where his quality of life is filled to the brim with that privilege makes music'

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 4 years ago

bruh i was making music before even becoming a weeb and my ability to publish with automation on here was stripped from me, you can't really determine this as 'when weebs make music'

about 4 years ago

when weebs make music

hayn Avatar
about 4 years ago


Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 4 years ago

also if i did draw it it'd look unbelievably psychedelic and unclean

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 4 years ago

yeah i'm a weeb and i'm going to act like one in casual situations fuckers

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
about 4 years ago

fuck no i don't draw them they're taken from an already-completed game series baka

arbour Avatar
about 4 years ago

do you draw the thumbnail pics lmao
