HELLO WORLD!!!!:D Joseph Rouse, commonly known as Ma55x(prounounce Mass Effects) here, Im from Greenville NC. I make music, and i just wanna get my stuff out there for like the world to listen to. I was Inspired to make music by deadmau5, Skrillex, Steve Aoki, and other DJs N Stuff. Im using this for now until i get FL, Ableton live etc. So think of this as a beginning of somthing thats possibly Epic As F**k (thats my catch phrase) :D, Hope you all who ever listens to my music enjoy. Yours Truly, Ma55fx P.S. Like me on Facebook, just search Ma55fx i think that should work... P.S.2 I like bacon and raisin bran :D P.S.3 yeah i do have a ps3, rousemode101:D