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Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
about 5 years ago

@NOAH-ALEXANDER How does one delete their account? I'm pretty sure it was banned by the staff, seems more likely considering it has been going on like that for a while.

123 Avatar
about 5 years ago

heh lol, he deleted his account cuz he got scared, guess he doesnt want this heat lmao

cavespider-3 Avatar
about 5 years ago

I use soundtrap

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

LOL, my account glitched for a moment and it showed he had -1 followers, I think I might be hallucinating, with the fact it didn't STAY as -1 followers. At least he still has 0 followers.

123 Avatar
about 5 years ago

u literally made an account to h8 on ppl. what a no life fagg. and yes, aperture is right u rule nothing. tbh idk if ur class is even high enough to rule salty kids ur just rule pieces of shit, actually no im giving u to much credit. so just know this, chordsboy will always be ahead of u and better than u so dont h8 on someone u cant compete with prince fucktard

123 Avatar
about 5 years ago

nigga stfu

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

Plus, ChordsBoy MIGHT be a Jew, but he isn't toxic, that's for sure.

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

You rule nothing. Actually... You rule over all the salty kids worldwide, you are worse than even ChromeClouds and/or the nazis. Have fun getting banned and losing all your comments!

Aperture Avatar
about 5 years ago

Go to hell, ChromeClouds wanna be.

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

Nah, I decided to end up with FL. I won't use Soundtrap anymore
