I used the noiser virtual instrument, set Sustain at the full amount, and added the butterworth filter, set the cutoff to a little below the full amount (like 5/6 full) I then clicked on display off and chose butterworth filter: cutoff, and I clicked on the faded gray line at the very beginning of the song. I clicked again at the very bottom of the instrument channel just 2 note clip lengths away from the beginning. I finally added the fakie FX, and left all the settings untouched.
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oh lel
Just supersaw with 5% detune
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How'd you do the instrument at the 4 second mark of the song? What instrument was that? It could help me in a lot of ways.
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I used the noiser virtual instrument, set Sustain at the full amount, and added the butterworth filter, set the cutoff to a little below the full amount (like 5/6 full) I then clicked on display off and chose butterworth filter: cutoff, and I clicked on the faded gray line at the very beginning of the song. I clicked again at the very bottom of the instrument channel just 2 note clip lengths away from the beginning. I finally added the fakie FX, and left all the settings untouched.
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how did you do that start part? the whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh
Well, wait no longer! :D
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I have been waiting for you to make a song like this... :)