Online studio
Make music


ChordsBoy Avatar
over 7 years ago

Thanks! :D

Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm
over 7 years ago

Thats awesome!

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 7 years ago

NOTE: download all files, and open the html file to view! Also, I'm going to school now, so I won't be able to reply for a while! Bubbye!

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 7 years ago

@B L 4 C K To be completely honest, I usually make stuff not knowing what the end product would be. However, I'm thinking of making a very simple RPG, just to have a basis for potential future endeavors. @| | Chordial | | Thanks! I appreciate it! I barely even have a concept so far, so it would be a pretty long time before I actually need sounds and such. I'll think about it when the time comes, though! :D

Chordial Avatar
over 7 years ago

wow that's cool. if you want any sound fx or songs (i could maybe try some 8-bit lol) hmu boi (:

over 7 years ago

What's it going to be about?

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 7 years ago

So, I made a blank character selection screen so far: http://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=FCM3YPARN1LH

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 7 years ago

Oh, cool! Thanks! Speaking of which, @Kagar, nevermind about needing to know that xD You can, but if you want to come up with music for it, or concept ideas, pm me! :D

Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm
over 7 years ago

if u need some cool sound fx hit me up

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 7 years ago

Thanks, guys! @Kagar I appreciate that! If you're going to help me, you need to know some html, css, and javascript. Do ya? :3
