Online studio
Make music
Lowkey's Group of Wanna-Be Video Game Makers Group Profile Picture
Created May 16, 2016

Lowkey's Group of Wanna-Be Video Game Makers

Want to be a video game maker but have a lack of music talent? Head down here for creation, publication and even inspiration. Here, you can share your music you may want to use.

Some Rules(Because everyone’s gotta have them):
1. Mild swears are allowed but nothing serious!
2.Songs can be published but not copied(As in, don’t claim somebody’s song as yours. Otherwise, we’’d have a case of copyright infringement on our hands)!
3.Don’t Spam
4.This is a group of general fun. Don’t spoil it for anyone!
5.Remember this is nothing serious but just a group of people who want to share their ideas with the world
6.Have fun


atomicrenegadeofc Avatar
over 4 years ago

I'll work on making a videogame theme for a boss fight

mrsuperman8941 Avatar
over 5 years ago

My song is a kinda castle theme, I'd sound a lot better if I had a way to plug up my external keyboard but it is what it is.
